
Documentary of Draemona

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Literature Text

1.      Planet Draemona, a terrestrial Earth-type planet orbiting 5 billion, 426 thousand, 871 kilometers (5,000,426,871 km) from a young blue star. The atmosphere is much similar to our own, but has a higher concentration of oxygen in its atmosphere than nitrogen, and 14% Helium as well. The oceans are also similar to ours, with the same H2O form as ours, except with trace elements, and less transparent than normal water, when observed through glass. All water on the planet is fresh, and so the aquatic species are adapted as such. Our cardinal directions exist on this planet, although in their language:

    a.       North = Teq; Northern = Tequan

    b.      South = Zuq; Southern = Zuquan

    c.       East = Lor; Eastern = Lorrian

    d.      West = Var; Western = Varrian

2.      Surrounding Space: Little has been revealed, but Draemona has recently been discovered to be the 4th planet in a system of 7, in a similar distance from the sun just habitable enough to support life, as our Earth is as the 3rd in a system of 8 (excluding the dwarf planets). 

3.      The Land

Draemona’s land masses are two massive continents (large enough to be classified as supercontinents) each of which takes up one of the vertical hemispheres. There are several countries on each.

    a.       These are on the “Lorrian” continent:

  i.       Taularis: The first country “settled” by the planet’s first inhabitants. The unique feature of this country is the enormous crater made by a meteor that struck the surface when Draemona had a mostly molten composition. The central island jutting from the crater is dominated by a massive temple dedicated to Taul, established by templars who were guided by Taul to build the temple. Almost the entire crater wall is occupied by buildings, which hold up to its history: The crater was the first place the Draemonians settled on, much like the Egyptians around the Nile. Gravity City - literally, a city with each building altered to have its own field of gravity - was the first place away from the crater, and within its chaotic jumble of buildings with intersecting fields of gravity is the central council chambers where the 5 council members govern the entire planetary civilization.

   ii.      Ombinao: This country is heavily protected by the council. It is a group of six biomes: A temperate forest on the northwest sector, three tall mountains down the middle, a massive rainforest lining the southern third, a savannah in the southeast, the Omba Sea at the northeast, and a section of tundra from the northern border. Everything is protected beneath plasma fields which can only be crossed by high-security personnel who maintain the environments. Visitors may only view from hovercraft.

    iii.      Daanli‘Teq: One of two countries on the eastern seaboard, separated by a boundary but still related to each other. If one has read Gulliver’s Travels, they might associate it with the lands of Lilliput and Brobdingnag. In this case, Daanli’Teq, translating as “Giant North”, this country consists generally of structures, inhabitants, creatures and plant life proportionally larger than anything in any other country; 15:1 in scale. As such, it has a wider area in comparison to its southern twin. If a humanoid from anywhere else were to reach here, they would be practically dwarfed by the size. An example being: One of the larger classes of Draemonian starships is normally the size of an Earth cruise liner, but when in this country, it is no larger than a toy dart.

     iv.      Baanli‘Zuq, or “Small South”. Like its larger twin to the north, this country is proportionally small in comparison to other beings, in 1:15 scale. Visitors are advised to travel in low-flying hovercraft.

      v.      Wintràri’Lor: A frozen tundra, with temperatures ranging from -23˚ Fahrenheit at maximum during summer, to around -132 ˚ F in winter nights. Wildlife is scarce, but some animals have adapted to these subzero temperatures. Evidence of creatures with thick gray coats of fur and others with plated armor have both been seen. Legends speak of a mysterious woman who confined herself to a frozen island 6 miles off the Wintràrian shelf, equivalent to “The Snow Queen.” Further information unknown.

b.      And these make up the “Varrian” or Western continent:

   i.      Zuuzaros: A desolate landscape. Here, at the center of the continent is a massive patch of volcanic land, with a blazing desert on the surface. Volcanos occasionally erupt, and several rivers of pure lava snake between the heated plateaus, pooling in a huge lake where the volcanoes form a small-scale “Ring of Fire”. The population here is extremely low, only research and mining operations are carried out, and most of the facilities for that purpose are in dormant volcanoes on the inner edge of the country. There have been rumors, however, of sentient beings of molten rock hidden in the lava. No evidence has proved this, yet. 

    ii.      Gâmfüriq: The central hub of Draemona’s industrial and technological production. It is here where the largest and best scientific achievements had relocated for better expansion. The terrain is a simple grassy plain, although heavily urbanized around the factories and research bases.

     iii.      Anq’Fansasix: Possibly the most surreal of them all. Translated as “Plain of Fantasy”, this country is a massive blend of different species, given absolute freedom to shape the land however they choose, and build structures freed from material boundaries. If a human were to see this country, they would compare it to a child’s fantasy book. One reason for such a resemblance is that due to freedom of materials, some structures and life forms may be entirely composed of (human-type) food, or other materials not known to have structural integrity of a real house. Despite the surreality, there is a hidden sense of organization. It should be noted that much of the architecture throughout the entire Varrian continent is shown in more than just this country.

       iv.      Loftus: The “Land of Flight”, this area is home to a flock of organic hot-air balloons. They feed on gas volcanoes that emit helium among other gases, and some of the people who live here use airships or hovercraft from the second continent to approach the balloons. Some of the organic constructs grow hollow bulbs near their base or near the top, and these can serve as rooms for travelers capable of reaching these balloons. Notably, the first to discover this country were inspired to build flying cities over some of the other countries, and hovercraft came an earth century later.

        v.      Wintràri’Var: The Arctic section on the western continent, as literally translated. No animals have evolved to thrive here, as the temperatures are even colder.

        vi.      Taul’Dagguera: The last country settled. Translating as “Taul’s Dagger”, this is a country almost no one on the entire planet likes to visit, let alone settle on. Because of the pacifist society the Council agreed on for everyone, no weapons are ever used in inner conflicts. However, there still needed to be a last resort, and this place was chosen expressly for that purpose: This huge peninsula and nearby western long island are military zones, where a single land-based weapon is stored under extremely tight security. The base is an underground facility hidden with a cloaking device that cannot be disabled except via genetic blood locks by their guards. The council agreed only to grant use of this weapon if a conflict reached the equivalent of DEFCON 3, and if Taul could not provide a good defense himself.
 The weapon is a massive ground-based cannon which fires a capsule into orbit, which in turn would release satellites that would target a programmed threat. If this weapon was ever used, Taul would be the one to direct this weapon.

4.      The People

    a.       Government: Draemona is ruled by a central council that governs the entire world’s population. It consists of five different members at the top, each marked with an individual color and symbol. Below them, a single delegate from each country is chosen, who together dictate the laws and governmental procedures. Mayors are appointed to the counties of each country to further govern on an internal basis.

    b.      Religion: It is believed by much of the population – and even the Council, that Taul is the being who gave the planet life and civilization. Because the religion, called Taulism, is centered on a living being that orbits the planet and has powers similar to what our Christian God is capable of, this religion is not one to be questioned, even more so than any religion on Earth. However, thanks to the peaceful nature of Draemonian civilization, Taulism is not evangelical. The primary Taulist center is located on a pinnacle of rock in the center of the massive crater in Taularis.

             i.      The story: The tome details a legend written by the first worshippers: Long ago, Draemona originally was a harsh flaming ball of magma and polluted air, when Taul, who drifted through space, came upon the planet and, seeing its poor physical state, cast his will over the planet and shaped it to a suitable form, making rainclouds that filled the oceans, changing soil to become fertile, and even making a meteorite that he hammered one of the continents with, ‘making his mark’ on the planet. But as life came around over thousands of years, he still was not pleased. Taul then decided to create a variety of sentient beings that would spread throughout the land and use it to their wishes. Thousands of years more, and cities and farms grew, and then Taul smiled and dedicated himself to protecting the planet from that point forward, watching from orbit and caring for everyone like a parent. But then a day came when Taul noticed the people feuding amongst each other and not working together as a community. So Taul raised his hand over the crater and cast a beam of light towards the central island. A man and a woman saw this light and traveled to the island in a boat. When they arrived, Taul spoke to them, “Do not let your people feud or argue amongst themselves, but instead have them learn to work together, and to create a peaceful community. Only through peace can you know the truth of everything.” Then he gave the two people wisdom to write in a sacred book (much like our bible),  and when the book was done, those people asked their friends and peers to build a temple on that island, as a junction for people to communicate with Taul from there on. Anyone who knew of his presence and power would come and pray to him, and if the prayers influenced Taul, he would grant them. The first prayer was granted to five people, each of a different race, and their blessing was the idea to found a council of government, with which to spread their ways of peace across the planet, even in a non-religious fashion. And that is how Draemonians have led their peaceful existence.

    c.       Taul: Religion aside, this “planetary” guardian is an anomaly that would turn astronomers on their heads and mark them as insane. But he can be described in categories:

 i.      His physical appearance is a humanoid shape, but with a terrestrial planet as “skin”. The varying “continents” resemble body armor.           His "heart" is a molten core compressed so densely that it becomes a miniature star, which in turn produces energy that gives Taul his         god-like powers. If Taul was ever challenged in combat, this, combined with his inifinite abilities would prove Taul terrifyingly difficult           for even cosmic beings, like Galactus to defeat.

    1.      Ice caps as hands, feet, and a “scalp”.

    2.      A taiga landscape – resembling a hockey mask in appearance, forms the face; with two rows of 4 mountains arranged in vertical lines. Wide fissures change shape to match Taul’s facial expression, right down to two small islands serving as pupils.

    3.      The back shows dense forests teeming with exotic life.

    4.      Two continents on his shoulders reveal peaceful grasslands.

    5.      The torso is covered with a huge desert holding long rivers that intersect at a lake in the center, forming an inverted Y around the equivalent of a navel.

    6.      Rugged, rocky mountains form the “pelvic guard”.

    7.      Raging volcanic landscapes serve to cover the shins.

d.      Notes on planetary species: While the number of potential species on Draemona is in the thousands and would be too numerous to list, the 5 members of the council, species-wise, are a widespread equivalent to humans.

   i.      Lumin: The “green” delegate of the council is this. The most interesting of the 5; these are humanoids composed entirely of pure light energy, with a “skin” of hardened light to have tangible hair and skin. Their eyes are one solid color, which vary between generations. Lumins are the most aware and cautious beings among the other 4, and it takes time for the council to agree on an act because of this. They are capable of emitting projections of light from their limbs and eyes, at the frequencies of a high-powered laser if danger arises. Another special ability includes transforming organic beings into Lumins themselves (see below), but this is taboo by nature, in terms of upsetting equal power among the people.

    ii.      Alægin: The “yellow” delegate, a gold-skinned race with blonde-like hair and feathered wings. The Alæga are free-spirited beings, always looking towards the future with great optimism, and insightful on ideas for future governmental acts. Many of these beings inhabit the floating cities over the west continent.

     iii.      Tântaer: “Purple” delegate; Noteworthy for bearing facial patterns akin to tribal masks from ancient human civilizations. They are a somewhat materialistic race that enjoys lavish attires and expensive jewelry, but the Tântaeri take care not to squander their resources or money, and are loyal to everyone else on the council and towards Taul.

     iv.      Mün’wíq: “Red” delegate; 6-fingered beings with skin that varies in multiple colors. They are the most technically and scientifically skilled, responsible for much of Draemona’s history of inventions.

      v.      Zorn: “Blue” delegate; Thick-skinned humanoids, colored gray with triangular eyes, in comparison to other humanoids who share only triangular pupils. The Zorns are less open to agreement and due to a certain brain configuration, have a relative higher sense of ego. However, the upshot of this is that they are also great philosophers, and these ideals are applied much of the time to government acts.

e.       Appendix: Notable beings:

   i.      One notable family of Lumins is the “Color” family. A rich scientist, Lois Prisma (Known natively as “Loís Preesmai”), owns a mansion in the southeast quadrant of Taularis with a family of two girls: Caroline Color, and Misty Chromin. The latter is an experimental hybrid, combined with organic metal, hence the name. Caroline has been known for having a great interest in humans, and her first experience ever involved an encounter with a depressed human named Michael Michelson. Born with the inability to see color and left with a minimum wage job, Michael could not help but take equal interest in Caroline when she and her mother visited the restaurant he worked for. At the time, Caroline would have equated to a 19-year-old human in age. Smitten with her natural beauty, even in shades of black and white, and too desperate to work out a date, he proposed to Caroline to marry him on the spot. As her nature showed, she initially said no but agreed to be engaged for the next earth week. Then, when she finally agreed, Caroline also offered him a gift: Changing Michael into a Lumin. Despite the illegality of such an act, she kept this a secret and eventually the council approved this due to Michael’s “alien” origin. Then the two of them returned to the planet and married, bearing three children: Emily, Azure, and Rhonda, each one of them bearing green, blue, and red light, respectively, in comparison to Lois’ rainbow pattern. Michael himself earned the nickname “Monochrome”, despite his vision being restored to full color.

    ii.      “Sargent Cheese”: A native of Anq’Fansasix in the north-east coastal quadrant. This is a humanoid composed entirely of an organic slime resembling golden-yellow cheese; notable features of his body include a helmet-like head with a strange squiggle-shaped slot for vision, and a decorative “cape” perforated with holes to mimic what would be called Swiss cheese on Earth. Being a semisolid creature, the Sargent is capable of shapeshifting and manipulating this yellow goo in hundreds of ways. The compound is actually an edible substance, but it took centuries for people to know this, dismissing it as an unhygienic part of the ground. Sargent Cheese currently owns a factory in Gâmfüriq that distributes this substance as sellable products, but keeps his own body rendered tasteless and lacking in scents as a matter of caution.

      iii.      “Meredith”: Another Anq’Fansasi native. This is a miniature female dragon composed entirely of another organic slime, except this pink one is akin to bubble gum with its great elasticity and viscosity.  She exhibits a mischievous personality and rumors surround her recent breeding that other beings were involved in the process. An interesting point in her history is a period of several earth years with a human named Lorraine Jett, who at the time was summoned to the planet by Lois Prisma and given a costume laced with chemicals that provided elasticity and shapeshifting powers. Meredith, out of curiosity, agreed to accompany Ms. Jett and aid her in fighting crime as a practical sidekick back on Earth. But she had to return to Draemona to breed, and Lorraine adopted a human daughter in her stead, but that didn’t prevent her or her family teammates from continuing their heroic career.

Finally! After months of pondering the details of my first totally original creation, this document is now up for reading. I'm so happy to have completed it all, even now I don't have much visual context for some of these places, but I can write them down at least. Amyway, I hope this sheds some light on the place.

EDIT: I realized that I already had a file like this, way back in the old half of my gallery, but this new documentary above is much more up to date and fleshed out. Nonetheless, the old version is here.Draemona synopsis
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